IUPAC Announces the 2023 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry

Enrique Gómez Benito del Valle, Medalla de Oro de la ANQUE 2023
octubre 30, 2023
Los altos costes energéticos y la caída de la demanda arrastran al sector químico a un retroceso de la cifra de negocios del 6,8% en 2023
octubre 30, 2023
Enrique Gómez Benito del Valle, Medalla de Oro de la ANQUE 2023
octubre 30, 2023
Los altos costes energéticos y la caída de la demanda arrastran al sector químico a un retroceso de la cifra de negocios del 6,8% en 2023
octubre 30, 2023
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has released the results of the search for the 2023 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry. The goal of this project is to showcase the transformative value of chemistry and to inform the general public on the potential of the chemical sciences to foster the well-being of Society and the sustainability of our planet. The Jury* – an international group of objective experts with a varied and broad range of expertise – reviewed and discussed the diverse pool of nominations of emerging technologies submitted by researchers from around the globe and selected the final top ten